Análisis de "dónde estabas tu al principio del encierro?" de Marco Bo
la/ no/che an/te/rior/ yo/ se/guí/ los/ pro/ce/di/mien/tos/ ha/bi/tua/les/
= 18 sílabas
re/fle/xio/nan/do/ so/bre/ los/ ci/clos/ de/ cre/ci/mien/to y/ la es/pe/cu/la/ción/
= 21 sílabas (20 + 1)
y el/ he/cho/ de/ que/ ya/ na/die/ te/ res/pon/de/ mi/ran/do/te a/ los/ o/jos/
= 19 sílabas
más/ bien,/ te/ gri/tan/ que/ te/ ca/lles/ y es/pe/res/
= 12 sílabas
de/be/ ser/ por/que e/se/ te/lé/fo/no es/ más/ in/te/re/san/te e in/te/li/gen/te/ que/ tú/
= 23 sílabas (22 + 1)
la/ no/che an/te/rior/ le/ pe/dí/ res/pues/tas/ a/ las/ úl/ti/mas/ no/ti/cias,/
= 19 sílabas
pe/ro/ las/ no/ti/cias/ de úl/ti/ma ho/ra/ no/ sa/ben/ na/da/
= 15 sílabas
a/sí/ que/ se/guí/ las/ ins/truc/cio/nes/ ha/bi/tua/les/
= 14 sílabas
ce/rré/ las/ ven/ta/nas,/ re/gé/ las/ flo/res/
= 11 sílabas
de/jé el/ ta/zón/ de a/gua a/fue/ra/
= 8 sílabas
a/ca/ri/cié al/ pe/rro/
= 6 sílabas
y en/ton/ces/
= 3 sílabas
sen/tí un/ ca/lor/ a/den/tro/ co/mo u/na/ lla/ma/
= 12 sílabas
co/mo un/ ta/tua/je, u/na/ mar/ca in/de/le/ble/
= 11 sílabas
sa/bí/a/ que al/go i/ba a/ su/ce/der/ pron/to/
= 11 sílabas
a/ la/ ma/ña/na/ si/guien/te,/ si/guien/do/ los/ pro/ce/di/mien/tos/ ha/bi/tua/les,/
= 21 sílabas
a/brí/ las/ ven/ta/nas/
= 6 sílabas
a/ca/ri/cié al/ pe/rro/ y es/cu/ché/ las/ no/ti/cias/
= 13 sílabas
y/ me/ di/ cuen/ta/
= 5 sílabas
el/ mons/truo ha/bí/a/ lle/ga/do/
= 8 sílabas
e/ra e/xac/ta/men/te/
= 6 sílabas
e/se/ mons/truo/ que ha/bí/a/ vis/to/ de/ ni/ño en/ el/ ci/ne/
= 15 sílabas
y/ lue/go/ pe/le/a/do en/ mis/ pe/sa/di/llas/ tem/blan/do/ so/lo en/ mi/ cuar/to/
= 20 sílabas
un/ / dra/gón/ e/nor/me/
= 7 sílabas
co/rrien/do/ tras/ de/ mi/
= 7 sílabas (6 + 1)
y a/ho/ra es/ta/ba a/llí/
= 7 sílabas (6 + 1)
sin/ em/bar/go,/ no/ se/ ve/ia/ por/ nin/gún/ la/do,/
= 13 sílabas
y/ lo/ mas/ a/te/rra/dor/
= 8 sílabas (7 + 1)
e/se/ mons/truo/ tam/bién/ e/ra/ mi/ som/bra/
= 11 sílabas
y/ me/ per/se/guia en/gan/cha/do a/ mis/ pies/
= 11 sílabas (10 + 1)
ca/lla/ por/ fa/vor!/
= 6 sílabas (5 + 1)
no/ lo/ des/pier/tes/ ..../
= 6 sílabas
di/me,/ pe/ro/ su/su/rran/do,/ dón/de es/ta/bas/ / tu al/ prin/ci/pio/ del/ en/cie/rro?/
= 21 sílabas
di/me, e/res/ tu el/ de/sor/den/ o/ la/ cu/ra?/
= 11 sílabas
di/me,/ re/cuer/das/ el/ ca/mi/no a/ ca/sa/ ba/jo es/te/ cie/lo/ su/bur/ba/no/ gris/ y a/je/no?/
= 24 sílabas
the/ nigh/t/ be/fo/re I fo/llo/wed/ the u/sual/ pro/ce/du/res/
= 14 sílabas
pon/de/ring/ a/bout/ growt/h/ /cles/ and/ spe/cu/la/tion/
= 14 sílabas
and/ the/ fact/ that/ no o/ne ans/wers/ any/mo/re/ lo/o/king/ in/to/ the e/yes/
= 17 sílabas
rat/her,/ they/ shout/s/ at/ you/ to/ shut/ up/ and/ wait/
= 13 sílabas (12 + 1)
cer/tainl/y/ be/cau/se/ that/ pho/ne is/ mo/re in/te/res/ting/ and/ in/te/lli/gent/ than/ you a/re/
= 22 sílabas
the/ nigh/t/ be/fo/re I as/ked/ for/ ans/wers/ to/ the/ bre/a/king/ news,/ /
= 18 sílabas (17 + 1)
but/ the/ bre/a/king/ news/ do/es//t/ know/
= 12 sílabas (11 + 1)
so I just/ fo/llo/wed/ the u/sual/ ins/truc/tion/s/
= 10 sílabas
clo/sed/ the/ win/dows,/ wa/te/red/ the/ flo/wers/
= 11 sílabas
left/ the/ bowl/ of/ wa/ter/ out/si/de/
= 9 sílabas
ca/res/sed/ the/ dog/
= 6 sílabas (5 + 1)
and/ then/
= 3 sílabas (2 + 1)
I felt/ a/ warm/ in/si/de/ li/ke a/ fla/me/ /
= 11 sílabas
li/ke a/ tat/to/o an/ in/de/li/ble/ mark/ /
= 12 sílabas (11 + 1)
I knew/ that/ so/met/hing/ was/ goin/g/ to hap/pen/ so/on/
= 12 sílabas
the/ next/ mor/ning,/ fo/llo/wing/ the u/sual/ pro/ce/du/res,/
= 13 sílabas
I o/pe/ned/ the/ win/dows/
= 6 sílabas
I ca/res/sed/ the/ dog/ and/ lis/te/ned/ to/ the/ news/
= 13 sílabas (12 + 1)
and/ I re/a/li/zed/
= 6 sílabas (5 + 1)
the/ mons/ter/ had/ a/rri/ved/
= 8 sílabas (7 + 1)
it/ was/ e/xac// that/ mons/ter/ that/ I saw/ as/ a/ child/ in/ the/ mo/vies/
= 17 sílabas
and/ then/ foug/ in/ / nigh/tma/res/ shi/ve/ring/ a/lo/ne in/ / ro/om/
= 18 sílabas (17 + 1)
a hu/ge/ dra/gon/
= 4 sílabas
run/ning/ af/ter/ me/
= 6 sílabas (5 + 1)
and/ now/ it/ was/ he/re/
= 6 sílabas
yet/ now/he/re/ to/ be/ se/en,/
= 8 sílabas
and/ the/ most/ te/rrif/ying/ thing/
= 8 sílabas (7 + 1)
was/ that/ the/ mons/ter,/ it/ was/ al/so/ / sha/dow/
= 13 sílabas (12 + 1)
and/ fo/llo/wed/ me ho/o/ked/ to/ / fe/et/
= 12 sílabas (11 + 1)
ke/ep/ quiet/ ple/a/se!/ /
= 7 sílabas
do/ not/ wa/ke it/ up..../
= 6 sílabas (5 + 1)
tell/ me/ but/ whis/pe/ring,/ whe/re/ we/re/ you at/ the/ be/gin/ning/ of/ the/ lock/down?/
= 19 sílabas
tell/ me a/re/ you/ the/ di/sor/der/ or/ the/ cu/re?/ /
= 13 sílabas
tell/ me/ me/ do/ you/ re/mem/ber/ the/ way/ ho/me un/der/ this/ grey/ and/ a/lien/ su/bur/ban/ ?/
= 22 sílabas
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