Análisis de "Holocausto nuclear & Arlequines" de Alfredo Daniel Lopez

Firs/t/ was.../
= 4 sílabas (3 + 1)

= 8 sílabas


Sad/ness,/ mour/ning,/ con/dem/na/tion,/
= 8 sílabas

cat/har/sis,/ /ing/ and/ la/ment/
= 9 sílabas (8 + 1)

of/ mour/ning/ dres/ses/ man/
= 7 sílabas (6 + 1)

with a/ black/ suit./
= 4 sílabas (3 + 1)

Whe/re a/re/ your/ sol/dier/s/ to/day?/
= 10 sílabas (9 + 1)

What/ hap/pe/ned/ to/ your/ ar/mies?/
= 8 sílabas

Who/ fi/red/ and/ for/ what?/
= 7 sílabas (6 + 1)

To/day/ they/ a/re a//l/ de/ad/ al/re/ady!/
= 13 sílabas (12 + 1)

That/ man,/ a/ spe/cies/ in/ de/cli/ne./
= 9 sílabas

That/ man,/ a/pe and/ she/ep./
= 7 sílabas (6 + 1)

That/ man,/ play/ at/ being/ God./
= 7 sílabas (6 + 1)

That/ man,/ al/ways/ per/ver/se./
= 7 sílabas

The/re is/ dust/ and/ black/ so/ot/
= 8 sílabas (7 + 1)

in/ the/ gar/den/ whe/re/ the/ wind,/
= 9 sílabas (8 + 1)

yes/ i/ mo/ved/ the/ ball/
= 7 sílabas (6 + 1)

of/ the/ child/ now/ in/ he/a/ven./
= 8 sílabas

What/ will/ you/ do/ to/ pre/vent/ it/ from/ hap/pe/ning?/
= 13 sílabas (12 + 1)

Po/wer/ has/ blind/ us/
= 6 sílabas (5 + 1)

it/ le/a/ves/ us/ lost/ li/ves,/
= 8 sílabas

It/ le/a/ves/ us/ bur/ning/ days./
= 9 sílabas (8 + 1)


Then/ they/ a/rri/ved.../
= 6 sílabas (5 + 1)

'The Har/le/quin/s'/
= 4 sílabas


The/ wind/ rock/s/ the/ crad/le/
= 7 sílabas

in/ that/ hou/se/ to/day/ //
= 9 sílabas (8 + 1)

/y/ that/ dog/ and/ its/ youn/g/
= 9 sílabas (8 + 1)

they/ form/ the/re/ the/ com/mu/ne./
= 8 sílabas

The/ me/a/dow/ yes/ter/day/ fresh and/ gre/en/
= 10 sílabas

ga/ve/ way/ to a/ cold/ win/ter/
= 8 sílabas (7 + 1)

or/ to an/ icy/ black/ hell/
= 6 sílabas (5 + 1)

that/ mot/her/ e////h/ bi/tes./
= 10 sílabas

Now/ man/ is/ no/ lon/ger/ man/
= 8 sílabas (7 + 1)

the/re a/re/ // har/le/quin/s/
= 9 sílabas

bet/we/en/ fi/re and/ its/ so/ot./
= 9 sílabas (8 + 1)

Being/s/ wit/hout/ fa/ce and/ wit/hout/ na/me/
= 10 sílabas

in/hu/man/ and/ very/ rui/nous/
= 7 sílabas

They/ ca/me/ from/ the/ con/fi/nes./
= 8 sílabas

For/ what/ pur/po/ses?/
= 5 sílabas

Ra/ze/ the hu/man/ ra/ce.../
= 6 sílabas

they/ a/re/ spawn/s/ of/ not/hing./
= 9 sílabas (8 + 1)


A/ kiss/ and/ a/ flo/wer/
= 7 sílabas (6 + 1)

al/fre/do/ da/niel/ lo/pez/
= 8 sílabas (7 + 1)

31 - 10 - 2018
He/ath/row/ Air/port,/ Lon/don/ En/gland./
= 10 sílabas (9 + 1)


Pri/me/ro/ fue.../
= 5 sílabas (4 + 1)

= 10 sílabas (9 + 1)


Tris/te/za,/ lu/to,/ con/de/na/ción,/
= 10 sílabas (9 + 1)

ca/tar/sis,/ llan/to y/ la/men/to/
= 8 sílabas

de/ lu/to/ vis/te hom/bre/
= 6 sílabas

con/ un/ tra/je/ ne/gro./
= 6 sílabas

¿Dón/de es/tán/ tus/ sol/da/dos/ hoy?/
= 9 sílabas (8 + 1)

¿Qué/ pa// con/ tus/ e/jér/ci/tos?/
= 8 sílabas (9 - 1)

¿Quién/ dis/pa/ró y/ por/ qué?/
= 7 sílabas (6 + 1)

¡Hoy/ ya es/tán/ to/dos/ muer/tos!/
= 7 sílabas

E/se hom/bre, u/na es/pe/cie en/ de/ca/den/cia./
= 10 sílabas

E/se hom/bre,/ mo/no/ y o/ve/ja./
= 8 sílabas

E/se hom/bre,/ jue/ga a/ ser/ Dios./
= 8 sílabas (7 + 1)

E/se hom/bre,/ siem/pre/ per/ver/so./
= 8 sílabas

Hay/ pol/vo/ y ho/llín/ ne/gro./
= 7 sílabas

en/ el/ jar/dín/ don/de el/ vien/to,/
= 8 sílabas

si/ mo// la/ pe/lo/ta/
= 7 sílabas

del/ ni/ño a/ho/ra en/ el/ cie/lo./
= 8 sílabas

¿Qué ha/rás/ pa/ra e/vi/tar/ que/ su/ce/da?/
= 10 sílabas

El/ po/der/ nos/ ha/ ce/ga/do/
= 8 sílabas

nos/ de/ja/ vi/das/ per/di/das,/
= 8 sílabas

Nos/ de/ja//as/ ar/dien/tes./
= 8 sílabas


Lue/go/ lle/ga/ron.../
= 5 sílabas

'Los/ Ar/le/qui/nes'/
= 5 sílabas


El/ vien/to/ me/ce/ la/ cu/na/
= 8 sílabas

en/ e/sa/ ca/sa hoy/ va//a/
= 8 sílabas

so/lo e/se/ pe/rro y/ sus/ crí/as/
= 8 sílabas

for/man/ a/llí/ la/ co/mu/na./
= 8 sílabas

El/ pra/do a/yer/ fres/co y/ ver/de/
= 8 sílabas

dio/ pa/so a un/ frí/o in/vier/no/
= 7 sílabas

o a un/ in/fier/no/ ne/gro/ y he/la/do/
= 9 sílabas

que/ la/ ma/dre/ tie/rra/ muer/de./
= 8 sílabas

A/ho/ra el/ hom/bre/ ya/ no es/ hom/bre/
= 9 sílabas

so/lo hay/ ar/le/qui/nes/
= 6 sílabas

en/tre el/ fue/go y/ su ho/llín./
= 7 sílabas (6 + 1)

Se/res/ sin/ ros/tro y/ sin/ nom/bre/
= 8 sílabas

in/hu/ma/no y/ muy/ rui/no/so/
= 8 sílabas

Pro/ce//an/ de/ los/ con/fi/nes./
= 9 sílabas

¿Con/ qué/ fi/nes?/
= 4 sílabas

A/rra/sar/ a/ la/ ra/za hu/ma/na.../
= 9 sílabas

son/ en/gen/dros/ de/ na/da./
= 7 sílabas


Un/ be/so/ y u/na/ flor/
= 7 sílabas (6 + 1)

al/fre/do/ da/niel/ lo/pez/
= 8 sílabas (7 + 1)

31 - 10 - 2018
A/e/ro/puer/to/ de He/ath/row,/ Lon/dres,/ In/gla/te/rra./
= 14 sílabas

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