AnĂ¡lisis de "A Tribute to the Storyteller" de Romanticologo

In/ flas/hes/ of/ ligh/t,/ the/ child/ runs/ in/ his/ mind,/ In/ a/ worl/d/ craf/ted/ / ta/les,/ his/ soul/ is/ de/e///y ent/wi/ned./ End/less/ sto/ries,/ fi/lled/ with/ fan/tasy/ and/ charm,/ Mar/king/ smi/les/ on/ his/ fa/ce,/ li/ke a/ so/ot/hing/ balm./
= 57 sílabas (56 + 1)

Behin/d/ e/very/ ta/le, a/ man/ with/ sil/ver/ hair,/ Guar/dian/ of/ me/mo/ries,/ his/ he/art/ fi/lled/ with/ ca/re./ With a/ gen/tle/ voi/ce and/ a/ ga/ze/ full/ of/ gra/ce, He/ na/rra/tes/ to/ the/ child,/ the/ sto/ries/ with em/bra/ce./
= 49 sílabas

Con/so/nant/s/ in/tert/wi/ne,/ cre/a/ting/ /es/ in/ the air,/ As/ the/ fa/ble/ co/mes/ a/li/ve, in/ the/ chil// mind,/ so/ fair./ E/mo/tion,/ sus/pen/se, hap/pi/ness,/ and/ lo/ve in/ e/very/ word,/ In/ the el///s/ na/rra/tion,/ the/ chil// i/ma/gi/na/tion/ is/ sti/rred./
= 64 sílabas (63 + 1)

Ye/ars/ pass/ ,/ but/ the/ bond/ re/mains/ /g,/ The a/dult/ still/ lis/tens,/ to/ the/ sto/ries,/ with a/ li/fe/long/ song./ Thoug/h he/ can/ no/ lon/ger/ sit/ on/ the el///s/ lap,/ His/ voi/ce e/cho/es/ in/ his/ he/art,/ li/ke a/ che/ris/hed/ map./
= 54 sílabas (53 + 1)

Fa/te has/ clo/sed/ the/ do/or,/ of/ the/ ma/jes/tic/ and/ lo/yal/ el/der,/ But/ his/ le/gacy/ li/ves/ on,/ in/ the/ grand/son,/ a/ fer/vent/ wel/der./ Te/ars/ of/ sad/ness,/ but/ al/so of/ gra/ti/tu/de and/ lo/ve,/ For/ the el/der/ will/ li/ve e/ter/nall/y, in/ the/ sto/ries/ from/ a/bo/ve./
= 63 sílabas

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